Israel's military has warned that Hamas militants from Gaza are still fighting inside Israel after they infiltrated southern ...
The Times reviewed the minutes of 10 meetings among Hamas’s top leaders. The records show the militant group avoided several ...
打破平衡:为何俄罗斯选择支持哈马斯而非以色列作者:Kimberly Marten,哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院政治学教授。来源:Kimberly Marten, “Upsetting the Balance: Why Russia Chose ...
In the year since the attacks by Hamas against Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, 2023, much has changed. Israel launched a ...
Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris told Jewish Americans that they would continue to pursue a ceasefire deal to secure the ...
The architect of the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel has revived the practice of suicide bombings to achieve the group’s goals.
In April, Khymani James, a 20-year-old student, was suspended from New York’s Columbia University for saying “Zionists don’t ...
Representatives from the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) agreed ...
Columbia University Apartheid Divest has withdrawn an apology it made last spring for a member who said “Zionists don’t ...
路透报导,尼加拉瓜副总统、奥蒂嘉的妻子穆丽优(Rosario Murillo)说,以色列政府是「法西斯主义者」,并实施「种族灭绝」,因此政府下达指示,断绝与以色列的外交关系。
(法新社耶路撒冷12日电) 以色列军队持续在黎巴嫩南部与什叶派政治和军事组织真主党好战分子战斗,今天警告当地居民「不要回家」。 以色列国防军发言人阿德雷(Avichay Adraee)在社群媒体X发文说,以军持续在「锁定你们村庄附近或村里的真主党(Hezbollah)阵地。为了保护你们自己,另行通知前不要回家。不要前往南部,任何前往南部的人可能置生命于险境」。
(法新社永珍11日电) 美国国务卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)今天表示,希望透过外交手段解决黎巴嫩问题并避免引发更广泛的冲突。布林肯同时支持黎巴嫩这个脆弱的国家主张自己的权利对抗真主党。