Are you ready for it? This brand-new Taylor Swift-themed Airbnb at the Jersey Shore just opened for reservations.
Millions of tourists visit New Orleans every year, and short term rental properties are a popular place for them to stay.
2024 年 10 月 17 日,中国北京 —— 在全球范围内,已经有 20 亿人次旅行者住进世界各地的爱彼迎。为了让广大旅行者可以更轻松快捷地找到下一段旅程的理想住宿,从而投入更多时间尽享旅途的乐趣,爱彼迎今日宣布对 App ...
Airbnb co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky is sympathetic towards the plight hosting may have on potential new hosts. He said in ...
Airbnb hosting has become a complicated business, from setting up a listing and managing the property to understanding price ...
There’s a new Airbnb themed around the pop mega-star: The Swift Suite at Evermore Estate is found at the Jersey Shore in ...
对于音乐人夫妇Sean W. Spellman和My Larsdotter来说,搬到罗德岛(Rhode Island)的僻静滨海小镇Westerly,以艺术为生,简单自在地创作,比起待在热闹酷炫的加州,更接近理想中的生活。于是,他们合力把一间旧车库改造成温馨细腻的林间木屋,它看起来有点像瑞典桑拿房,但又是二人的音乐工作室,而且距离纽约市也就仅仅2.5小时的车程。 改建后,主屋作为Airbnb出租屋 ...
Airbnb hosts can now manage their properties and interact with guests more easily, as the vacation rental app now offers a co ...
(槟城18日讯)全球民宿短租公寓预订平台“爱彼迎”(Airbnb)欢迎我国政府在2025年国家财政预算案中与旅游相关的拨款。Airbnb今日在首相拿督斯里安华宣布2025年财政预算案后发文告指出,此举将提升马来西亚作为首选旅游目的地的吸引力,相信并不 ...
If watching scary movies is one of the most enjoyable parts of the Halloween season, the horror cabin may be the ideal ...
钛媒体App 10月17日消息,爱彼迎今日宣布对App进行全面个性化升级,推出超50项全新产品功能。其中,搜索功能升级,根据用户搜索行为提供个性化搜索建议,帮助用户发现房东折扣、快速完成紧急预订等;筛选界面实现个性化,根据用户以往的预订信息和当前搜索 ...